What better way to spend the night before international travel than puking your guts out? Fortunately it seemed to be a one night bug and I did not get ill on the flight, but it was about six days before my appetite returned. That included riding the entire Queen Charlotte Track on minimal calories, but…
Category: Uncategorized
Do You Need Keys to Have a Home?
Anytime I travel completely key free it is so liberating! Every summer for the past ten years I would leave my house key with the person subletting my room while I traveled and my work keys definitely stayed home, but often I still had a car key to keep track of during my travels. Then…
What Do You Want From Each Day?
All summer I had so much fun riding my bike for a few hours at a time and no motivation to go bikepacking. I didn’t want to deal with all the time and effort of digging the bikepacking gear out of my car and getting it all on the bike– a process that I knew…
Arizona Trail Race 800 ITT
Tomorrow morning I start an ITT (individual time trial) of the 800 mile Arizona Trail. I think it will take 15 to 17 days. You can follow my dot here if you would like. http://trackleaders.com/aztrfall19f.php I’ll be back when I get to Utah!
Talking Myself Into Racing the Arizona Trail
The alternate title for this post would be: Things That Scare Me. I plan to (hope to? notice the waffling…) race from the Mexican border to the Utah border, primarily on rugged single track 800 miles across the beautiful state of Arizona. This will be an individual time trial (ITT), meaning I will be going…
Summer Reading List
This summer I have enjoyed a mixture of printed books, Kindle reading, and audiobooks in my car. I have mostly been using the Libby library app to borrow both written and audible books this summer. Free! I’ll rate them on a five star system and may or may not say much about the book :)….
The Story of a Pot
In 2000 I was a graduate student squeezing by on a scant stipend and I spent $50 on a pot. Fifty freaking dollars on a pot! Why would I do such a thing when I accounted for each and every dollar that was spent? Because I had an opportunity to rock climb the East Face…
Desert Cabal by Amy Irvine: A (mini)Book Review
In the reviews I read of Desert Cabal the book was pitched as a smack down of Edward Abbey. And while in some ways it is, it is so much more than that. And yes, there is a lot to dislike about beloved Edward Abbey. Abbey’s writing is rich in misogyny, xenophobia, and a completely…
WTF? And Always More Lessons to Learn.
WTF? It doesn’t mean what many of you think it means, at least in this circumstance! Last year a phenomenal group of individuals got together and hosted the first ever WTF Bikexplorers Summit in Whitefish, Montana. The event was incredibly successful and this year’s event sold out in two hours! WTF literally stands for Women/Trans/Femme, but…
Breathing in Poudre Canyon
After a whirlwind drive to Colorado, followed by a flight home to visit family, it was time for this introvert to slow it down and check out from the world for awhile. Three days of dispersed camping (free National Forest, no amenities) off Poudre Canyon with no cell or internet was exactly what I needed!…