Ooph! Once a let some time lag it seems overwhelming to start logging again. So much has happened! Do I just skip it all and start with recent events? Or do I try and post a summary? I think I’m going to attempt a summary, let’s see what happens…
Technology fail is what happened! I’ve spent much of the last two hours trying to get photos to upload from my phone. I’ve had this problem before and was able to circumvent it. Oh well. Maybe some of them will magically show up? A few random photos DID upload, but I have no idea why some do and others won’t. Sorry to bore you with these details, but I’m really trying not to abandon the blog!
Short written version: Jesse came for three amazing weeks on the south Island. I took him to some places I have previously visited and we went to many knew places. The ones that stand out are Glenorchy (gorgeous!), Milford Sound in the Fjordlands (possibly the MOST stunning place I have ever been), and for a little city fun Oamaru has decided it is the Steampunk capital of NZ and it did not disappoint!
Jesse left. I cried. I went on a big bike ride and didn’t take enough food so I had to ride really long days. It was hard. I lived. Then I rode a beautiful section of the coast back to Picton and the ferry. Some fisherfolks and my camp neighbors shared freshly harvested Abalone with me.
I’m back on the North island where I tried to get my bike fixed up, but apparently you can’t get many/most basic Shimano parts in NZ, so I ride on and hope it stays together… I rode through hundreds of kilometers of farmlands the last few days and exhausted myself, but got it done.
I’m now in W(h)anganui –the ‘h’ went missing for awhile but now it’s back– on the coast and tomorrow start the Mountains to Sea trail (backwards) into country and mountains that excite me. I’m very much looking forward to that. Oh! And summer is finally here, yay!
There you have my last four, five?, weeks. Thanks for reading. I’ll try and do better next time.